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25 Amazing Places to Visit


Looking for an escape? Or just an opportunity to daydream? Here's a list of 25 amazing places to put on your bucket list. Whether you crave white-sand beaches, masterpieces of art, mountains of glaciers or historic ruins, there will be a location here that will make you swoon. All that's left for you to do is book the ticket.想找个地方去度假?或想找个机会做白日梦?这里列出了25个美丽的地方,你可以把它加到你的人生目标清单上。无论你向往的是白色的沙滩、艺术的瑰宝、冰山还是历史遗迹,这儿总有一个会让你迷恋的地方。剩下要做的就是订票啦。


Salvador, Brazil巴西的萨尔瓦多

The third-largest city in Brazil, Salvador, is also called the "capital of happiness." Known for its citywide outdoor parties, which culminate in the Carnivale in the spring, the city is a cultural jewel. Divide your daylight hours between tours of the historic colonial city and trips to the turquoise blue waters surrounding Salvador's 50 miles of beaches. At night, enjoy the renowned local cuisine while watching a performance of Capoeira, a mix of dance and martial arts.巴西的第三大城市萨尔瓦多,也被称作“幸福之都”,以市内到处都有户外派对而闻名。萨尔瓦多的户外派对在春天的狂欢节达到顶峰,说它是一颗文化明珠一点儿也不为过。白天,你可以去游览历史悠久的殖民地都市,也可以去环绕萨尔瓦多的50英里的海滩欣赏碧蓝的海水。晚上,你可以边享受当地著名的美食,边欣赏卡波耶拉这种舞蹈和武术结合在一起的艺术形式。


Ushuaia, Argentina阿根廷的乌斯怀亚

The last port for ships headed to Antarctica, Ushuaia is the gateway to the end of the world. Known for having the longest ski season in South America, it's perfect for snow bunnies as well as adventure-seekers looking to hike on the Glacier El Martial, which creeps up to the base of the city. In the summer, the vistas over the deep blue waters of the Beagle Channel, a shipping route, are simply breathtaking.乌斯怀亚是去往南极洲经过的最后一个港口,是通往世界尽头的门户。它以拥有南美洲最长的滑雪季而闻名,对于想学滑雪的人或想在马蒂亚尔冰川探险的人而言是个绝佳之地,因为马蒂亚尔冰川一直蔓延到这所城市的地基。夏天,比格尔海峡那深蓝色的海水以及航海的路线,都美得令人窒息。


Cartagena, Colombia哥伦比亚的卡塔赫纳

First settled in 4000 B.C. and later conquered by the Spanish in 1533, this Colombian city is a wonder of ancient archaeological sites and colonial architecture. Not-to-be missed sites include the Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas, a 16th century fortress; the Gold Museum, which features pre-Columbian gold relics; and the sunsets over Caratgena Harbor, which looks out over the Caribbean Sea.卡塔赫纳于公元前4000年建立,1533年被西班牙人征服。这所城市是古老的考古遗址和殖民地时代的建筑奇迹。16世纪的堡垒圣马科费利佩·德·巴拉哈斯,珍藏哥伦布发现美洲大陆之前黄金文物的黄金博物馆,可以俯瞰加勒比海日落的卡塔赫纳港都是不容错过的景点。

Panama Canal

Panama Canal, Panama巴拿马的巴拿马运河

Not only is the Panama Canal one of the most important waterways on Earth, it's also a site of incredible natural wonders. Take a day trip to the Embera Indian Village for local handicrafts or to the Gatun Lake, a manmade body of water that feeds into the canal. It is surrounded by a nearly untouched rainforest that boasts some of the rarest species of flora and fauna in South America.巴拿马运河不仅是地球上最重要的水道之一,也是令人叹为观止的自然奇迹。抽出一天时间去安比拉的印第安人村,去看看当地的手工艺品或去流往运河的人工湖加通湖玩。巴拿马运河的周围是几乎天然的热带雨林,拥有南美洲最珍奇的植物和动物物种。


Huatulco, Mexico墨西哥的瓦图尔科

Situated near nine bays that protect 36 miles of white-sand beaches, Huatulco is the place to go in Mexico if you want to avoid spring break mayhem. Consisting not only of coastline but also huge swaths of jungles ideal for bird watching, the town is a tropical oasis. When you go, try the local Oaxacan cuisine, which is best known for mole, a sauce consisting of chilies and chocolate.瓦图尔科的周围有九个海湾,回护着36英里长的白色沙滩。如果你想避免春假时的汹涌人潮,可以去墨西哥的瓦图尔科。这里不仅有长长的海岸线,还有巨大的丛林,是观鸟地的不二选择,是热带里的绿洲。当你去的时候,可以去品尝当地的瓦哈卡美食,该美食以辣椒和巧克力组成的摩尔酱而闻名于世。

Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico墨西哥的卡波圣卢卡斯

A haven to Hollywood stars, Cabo San Lucas boasts not only gorgeous people but also many natural wonders including El Arco rock arch. Spend your time there relaxing with fresh margaritas, kayaking, playing golf or scuba diving with whale sharks in the majestic Pacific Ocean.卡波圣卢卡斯身受好莱坞明星的喜爱。那里不仅可以看到衣着华丽的明星,还可以看到不少自然奇观如拱门。在哪里有很多种放松方式,如喝新鲜的玛格丽塔酒、划皮划艇、打高尔夫或潜水与太平洋中的鲸鲨共舞。


Hilo, Hawai'i夏威夷的希洛

Nestled between two of Hawaii's famous volcanoes -- don't worry, they're currently dormant -- the city is located on the calm waters of the Hilo Bay. During the day, snorkel in freshwater pools on Leleiwi Beach, or take a stroll down Banyan Drive, a street lined with trees planted by historic figures including Franklin D. Roosevelt and Amelia Earhardt. At night, stargaze at the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawai‘i, which boasts a 120-seat planetarium.希洛位于夏威夷两个著名的火山之间。不要担心,它们现在是休眠火山。这所城市位于希洛湾平静的水面上,白天,去勒莱维海滩边的淡水池里潜泳,在榕树街上散步,榕树街两旁的树有很多是由像富兰克林·罗斯福和阿梅莉亚·埃尔哈特这样的历史人物种植的。 到了晚上,可以去夏威夷的伊弥罗阿航空中心去看星星,那里的天文馆有120个座位。


Venice, Italy意大利的威尼斯

Known as one of the most romantic places in the world, Venice is a floating city linked by ancient bridges and canals. Consisting of impossibly gorgeous Renaissance palaces and museums as well as the Plaza San Marco, where you are obligated to dine al fresco, traveling by gondola is the preferred method of getting around. Rumored to be sinking, Venice is a must-see destination for anyone planning a trip to Europe.威尼斯是世界上最浪漫的地方之一,是由古代的桥和运河连在一起的漂浮城市。里面有非常华丽的文艺复兴宫殿、博物馆和圣马可广场。在圣马可广场,你可以享受露天用餐,在那里乘坐缆车是交通的首选方法。有传言说威尼斯会下沉,所以无论任何人想去欧洲旅行,威尼斯都是一个必须去的景点。


Crete, Greece希腊的克里特岛

The largest of Greece's 6,000 islands, Crete has been on the map since mythological times when it was rumored to have been the home of the Minotaur, a creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man. Today, it has remnants from many civilizations. In a single day, you can visit Ancient Greek archaeological sites like Knossos, remnants of architectural wonders left behind by the Venetian and Turkish invaders or even the house of Baroness Von Schwartz, a 19th century Austrian noblewoman.克里特岛是希腊6000个岛屿中最大的。从神话时代起,它就出现在地图上,当时有谣言称它是牛头人身的牛头怪之都。现在那里仍有很多文化遗迹。在一天的时间里,你可以去参观像克诺索斯那样的古希腊考古遗址、也可以去看威尼斯和土耳其侵略者遗留下来的建筑奇迹,甚至还可以去观看19世纪奥地利贵族妇女男爵夫人冯·施瓦茨的房子。


Dubrovnik, Croatia杜布罗夫尼克,克罗地亚

In recent years, Croatia has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe; Dubrovnik, a medieval city, is its heart. Spend your days looking over the vistas of the bay from the famous walls of the old city, or take a boat trip to Lokrum, a wooded island that includes a monastery, fortress, botanical garden and naturist beach.近几年,克罗地亚已成为欧洲最著名的旅游景点之一。杜布罗夫尼克是一个中世纪的城市,它是克罗地亚的中心。你可以从老城区著名的城壁那里俯瞰海湾,或乘船前往洛克鲁姆岛,岛上树木繁茂,有修道院、堡垒、植物园和天体海滩。

Las Palmas

Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain西班牙拉斯帕尔马斯的大加那利岛

Located off the western coast of Africa, this territory of Spain is a melting pot for all sorts of cultures. During the day, catch sun on the beach or hike up to one of the city's many volcano craters. At night, enjoy the wild nightlife, which includes a drag queen galas and outdoor dance parties. There's no place like it.大加那利岛位于非洲的西海岸。西班牙的这片土地是各种文化的大熔炉。白天可以在沙滩上晒太阳,可以徒步走到城市的火山口处。晚上可以享受狂野的夜生活,其中包括变装皇后晚会和户外舞蹈派对。这个地方在世界上是独一无二的。


Istanbul, Turkey土耳其的伊斯坦布尔

When compared to the rest of Europe, Istanbul feels like a different world. It's chock full of Ottoman treasures like the Topkapi palace, early Christian sites like the Hagia Sophia and ancient shopping meccas like the Grand Bazaar, one of the oldest covered markets in the world. Spend your time finding bargains on scarves or jewelry, or take a boat trip down the Bosphorus, the river that separates the Asian and European sides of the city. That's right. Istanbul is located in two different continents.和欧洲的其他地方相比,伊斯坦布尔的感觉完全不同。这里汇集了奥斯曼帝国的珍宝,如托普卡帕宫、像圣索菲亚大教堂这样的早期基督教教堂、像世界上最古老的室内市场大集市这样古老的购物圣地。你可以耐心地花时间寻找便宜的围巾或首饰,或乘船游览把亚洲和欧洲隔开的博斯普鲁斯海峡。没错。伊斯坦布尔位于两个大陆上。






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